Making A Pet-Friendly Environment at Home

Pet-Friendly Environment at Home

Our pets provide us with unconditional love and company whenever we need it. They ask for little in return beyond kind treatment, good food, and a safe place to live. It is not hard to make your home pet friendly and give your pet all he needs for a happy and safe life.

When you are living with pets of any description, especially dogs and cats, there is no escaping the fact they impact your home. In order to live peaceably with animals, sensible homeowners make sure their living spaces are as pet friendly as possible. You can also visit this dedicated website about pet care, food, and healthy activities.

Home improvement or simple redecoration should be done with the pets in mind, although naturally, your first consideration must be in making your home comfortable and welcoming for humans. We are fortunate that the local dyrehandel, or pet shop, stocks many items and products that help in the creation of pet-friendly living environments.


Much as we love our pets, no one can deny they bring dirt and dust into the house, not to mention the dreaded fleas or ticks. Many pet owners, particularly those who also have small children, worry their children may pick up harmful germs and bacteria that may be deposited by pets around the house.
Carpets can be notoriously difficult to keep clean when there are cats and dogs around and can be prime breeding grounds for fleas during the warmer summer months. Safer, more hygienic alternatives include:

– Wood flooring
– vinyl floors
– Linoleum

All of these options are fashionable and present good alternatives to the carpet for both living and kitchen areas. If you are concerned about fleas, your local pet shop can advise regarding over-the-counter remedies, or in other cases, you should consult a veterinarian surgeon for specific, specialist advice. Dutch pet owners can ask their dyrehandel for advice on preventative measures. Do not forget to visit this website for useful information about Pet-friendly environments and other accessories.

As a precaution against scratches on wooden floors, keep pets’ claws short or rounded. If carpet is a necessity, consider modular carpet tiles which are easily lifted and replaced in cases of accident or damage.

Wet rooms

All dog owners know the astonishing amount of dirt and mud dogs can pick up on a wet and windy walk. If you are lucky enough to have a wetroom, you could also consider turning it into a hosing station to give the dog a quick shower after muddy walks.

An alternative is to leave towels by the back door and train the dog to wait until his paws have been wiped before he comes in. Give pooches a little extra protection from the weather and save yourself a bit of cleaning up at the same time, by searching for dog coats in the local pet shop.

Child Proof Latches

Puppies and kittens can be as adventurous as toddlers when it comes to exploring and getting into places they have no business being. If you have a toddler, you probably already have child-proof latches on cupboard doors, but if you haven’t, consider fitting them. Young animals are just as likely to eat harmful chemicals as young children and puppies can easily and quickly chew through plastic bottles so child-safe caps won’t keep them safe.

When you have a pet, it is your responsibility to keep it safe and cared for. It is a task made very much easier thanks to pet-friendly products we can use at home. Furthermore, you can read our article on this website to know about